Category: Publishing
PICS Faculty and Student Recognition
PICS faculty members and students have won a number of awards and honors during the 2019 semester. In a banner year, Igor Bargatin, Class of 1965 Term Assistant Professor in […]
Using Computational Science to Search for “Planet 9, 10, and Beyond.”
Planetary scientists and cosmologists at Penn work together to find planets that might be hiding in the far reaches of the solar system. “Researchers discussed the technical and the computational […]
PICS faculty member Danielle S Bassett publishes “Stability of spontaneous, correlated activity in mouse auditory cortex”
Professor Danielle S. Bassett, Eduardo D. Glandt Faculty Fellow and Associate Professor of Bioengineering & Electrical and Systems Engineering, with four other authors, has published a paper in bioRxiv titled: “Stability of Spontaneous, […]
Penn researchers investigate how atoms diffuse along the interfaces between metals and ceramics.
Post doctoral student Aakash Kumar has published his paper, “Metal/Ceramic Interfaces are High-Diffusivity Paths” in Device & Materials Engineering on December 7, 2018.