Faculty Advisor, Program Director: Talid Sinno

Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Secondary Faculty Appointment of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics
Founding Director of the Master’s Program in Scientific Computing (SCMP)
Professor Sinno received his Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and served as a Lecturer and Postdoctoral Associate there before joining the faculty at the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Sinno has received various awards and honors during his career, including an NSF Career Award.
SCMP Academic Coordinator: Delaney Parks

PICS Program Coordinator and Scientific Computing Master’s Program Academic Coordinator
I primarily work on the administrative side of the Scientific Computing Master’s Program including submitting various documents and forms as well as communicating with other Penn Engineering administrators. If you have questions about program options or how to submit program-related forms and requests, feel free to reach out to me at dkparks@seas.upenn.edu.