Chunlei Liang Colloquium “High-order Spectral Difference Method for Studying Marine Hydrodynamics and Thermal Convection and Magneto-hydrodynamics for the Sun”

Towne 337 PA, United States

Abstract Two recent advancements of high-order spectral difference (SD) method for computational fluid dynamics on unstructured meshes will be presented. The first progress is our contribution to a new curved sliding-mesh approach to the SD method for simulating flapping and rotary wing aerodynamics.  The second elevation of the SD method is our recent successful design […]

Karin Leiderman Colloquium: “Mathematical Modeling of Thrombin-Fibrin Binding Dynamics.”

Towne 337 PA, United States

Title: “Mathematical modeling of thrombin-fibrin binding dynamics .” Abstract: Blood clot formation involves the coupled processes of platelet aggregation and coagulation, which are triggered when there is break in a blood vessel. Platelet aggregation is largely a physical process while coagulation is biochemical, consisting of a large network of reactions that culminate in the generation […]

Colloquium: Dimitris Giannakis

PICS Large Conference Room – 534 3401 Walnut Street, 5A, Philadelphia, PA, United States

On Friday, October 22 at 2:00 PICS will host a colloquium featuring Dimitris Giannakis, Jack Byrne Professor in Mathematics at Dartmouth University. Title: Kinetic theory for superparameterization of sea ice dynamics Abstract: Arctic sea ice comprises of many ice floes whose dynamics is driven by oceanic/atmospheric currents and floe-floe interaction. Models of the effective sea ice […]

PICS Colloquium: “Bridging scales in aerosol modeling with particle-resolved simulations”

PICS Large Conference Room – 534 3401 Walnut Street, 5A, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Speaker: Nicole Riemer, Professor of Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Title: Bridging scales in aerosol modeling with particle-resolved simulations Abstract: The aerosol lifecycle consists of processes that act on the micro-scale, yet the aerosols’ climate impacts are perceived on regional or global scales. Capturing this multiscale nature of the atmospheric aerosol […]

PICS Colloquium: “Wind, Waves, and Wakes: Large Eddy Simulation of Full-Scale Offshore Wind Farms under Realistic Atmospheric and Oceanic Conditions”

PICS Large Conference Room – 534 3401 Walnut Street, 5A, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Speaker: Michael Mueller, Professor and Associate Chair of the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Princeton University   Title: Wind, Waves, and Wakes: Large Eddy Simulation of Full-Scale Offshore Wind Farms under Realistic Atmospheric and Oceanic Conditions   Abstract: Ambitious targets on aggressive timelines have been heralded for the development of offshore wind energy […]

PICS Colloquium: “Micro-organism Locomotion in Viscoelastic Fluids”

PICS Large Conference Room – 534 3401 Walnut Street, 5A, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Speaker: Becca Thomases, Professor of Mathematical Sciences at Smith College Abstract:  Many microorganisms and cells function in complex (non-Newtonian) fluids, which are mixtures of different materials that exhibit both viscous and elastic stresses. For example, mammalian sperm swim through cervical mucus on their journey through the female reproductive tract, and they must penetrate the viscoelastic […]

PICS Colloquium: “Exploring the landscape of model representations” with William Noid

PICS Large Conference Room – 534 3401 Walnut Street, 5A, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Speaker: William Noid, Professor of Chemistry at Penn State University Abstract: Many studies adopt low-resolution, coarse-grained (CG) models to investigate polymers, proteins, and other soft materials. These studies must first specify the details that are retained in the low-resolution model, i.e., they must specify the “CG representation.” Unfortunately, the “best” representation for complex systems is […]

PICS Colloquium: “Genetic testing and adverse selection” with Eduardo Azevedo

PICS Large Conference Room – 534 3401 Walnut Street, 5A, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Title: Genetic testing and adverse selection Speaker: Eduardo Azevedo, Professor of Business Economics and Public Policy at Wharton, John M. Bendheim Professor, Thomas L. Bendheim Professor Abstract: Technology is dramatically driving down the cost of sequencing genetic data and increasing the quality of predictions made with this data. A standard concern is that these predictions […]

PICS Colloquium: “Modeling Lone Pair Dynamics in Materials” with Richard Remsing

PICS Large Conference Room – 534 3401 Walnut Street, 5A, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Title: Modeling Lone Pair Dynamics in Materials Speaker: Richard Remsing, Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Rutgers University Abstract: Materials properties are governed by the structure and dynamics of the bonds between their constituent atoms. In addition to covalent, metallic, and ionic interactions that we typically think about, lone pair electrons can result in […]

PICS Colloquium: “Representations Learnt from Synthetic Volumes Enable Training-free Medical Image Analysis” with Neel Dey

PICS Large Conference Room – 534 3401 Walnut Street, 5A, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Speaker: Neel Dey, Postdoctoral Associate in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Abstract: Current medical image analysis projects involve months to years of data annotation and custom technical development. This talk introduces methods to train networks that generalize out-of-the-box to new modalities, anatomies, and datasets all without retraining for the […]