News and Accolades
Professor César de la Fuente and his group have a new paper out in Nature Methods, “Mining for encrypted peptide antibiotics in the human proteome,” they have also been working to create faster and cheaper COVID-19 Testing With Pencil Lead.
Professor Danielle S. Bassett was named a 2021 American Physical Society Fellow and a 2021 highly cited researcher.
Professor Vivek Shenoy was also listed as a 2021 highly cited researcher.
Professor Jennifer E. Phillips-Cremins named as one of NIH Director’s Pioneer Award Recipients.
Professor Robert Riggleman and members of his group have published a new paper in Science Advances: “Load-bearing entanglements in polymer glasses.”
Professor Ravi Radhakrishnan, has founded the The Penn Anti-Cancer Engineering Center (PACE).
Professor Paris Perdikaris received the New Scialog Award for Collaborative Work in Bioimaging.
Professor and PICS Director Aleksandra Vojvodic has been named an Associate Editor in the area of hetergeneous theory for ACS Catalysis.
Anastasia Neuman, a PhD candidate in the Riggleman group, was named a PI on an XSEDE grant.
Samaneh Farokhirad and the members of the Radhakrishnan lab made the cover of Advanced Materials Interfaces with their paper, “Biophysical Considerations in the Rational Design and Cellular Targeting of Flexible Polymeric Nanoparticles.”
Welcoming our new members

Kevin Johnson, 27th Penn Integrates Knowledge University Professor.
Alison Pouch, Assistant Professor of Radiology and BioEngineering, member of the Penn Image Computing and Science Laboratory (PICSL), co-investigator in the Penn Tissue Mapping Center.
Arnold Mathijssen, Assistant Professor Department of Physics & Astronomy University of Pennsylvania, member of the Center for Soft and Living Matter.
Lu Lu, Assistant Professor Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering.
Fall 2021 Colloquium
We had a great round up of colloquium speakers in the fall semester. All colloquium were recorded, email Katie ( for a link to specific recordings.
Gregory Bowman, Associate Professor Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics at Washington University in St. Louis.
Title:Protein dynamics and energy landscape engineering.
Julia Koehler Leman, Research Scientist, Systems Biology, CCB, Flatiron Institute.
Title:How reproducible is your research?
Dimitris Giannakis, Jack Byrne Professor in Mathematics at Dartmouth University.
Title:Kinetic theory for superparameterization of sea ice dynamics.
Adrián Lozano-Durán, Draper Assistant Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics at MIT.
Title: A model for external aerodynamics based on building-block flows.
Pratyush Tiwary, Assistant Professor, University of Maryland.
Title:From atoms to emergent mechanisms with information bottleneck and diffusion probabilistic models.
Jeetain Mittal, Professor of Chemical Engineering at Texas A&M University.
Title:Molecular organization in biology: What can computer simulations teach us?
Alparslan Oztekin, Professor of Mechanical Engineering & Mechanics at Lehigh University.
Title: Computational and Experimental Modeling of Membrane Distillation