Latest Past Events

PICS Colloquium: “Modeling Lone Pair Dynamics in Materials” with Richard Remsing

PICS Large Conference Room – 534 3401 Walnut Street, 5A, Philadelphia

Title: Modeling Lone Pair Dynamics in Materials Speaker: Richard Remsing, Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Rutgers University Abstract: Materials properties are governed by the structure and dynamics of the bonds between their constituent atoms. In addition to covalent, metallic, and ionic interactions that we typically think about, lone pair electrons can result in […]

PICS Colloquium: “Exploring the landscape of model representations” with William Noid

PICS Large Conference Room – 534 3401 Walnut Street, 5A, Philadelphia

Speaker: William Noid, Professor of Chemistry at Penn State University Abstract: Many studies adopt low-resolution, coarse-grained (CG) models to investigate polymers, proteins, and other soft materials. These studies must first specify the details that are retained in the low-resolution model, i.e., they must specify the “CG representation.” Unfortunately, the “best” representation for complex systems is […]

PICS Colloquium: “Micro-organism Locomotion in Viscoelastic Fluids”

PICS Large Conference Room – 534 3401 Walnut Street, 5A, Philadelphia

Speaker: Becca Thomases, Professor of Mathematical Sciences at Smith College Abstract:  Many microorganisms and cells function in complex (non-Newtonian) fluids, which are mixtures of different materials that exhibit both viscous and elastic stresses. For example, mammalian sperm swim through cervical mucus on their journey through the female reproductive tract, and they must penetrate the viscoelastic […]